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  1. Albany Research Center  
  2. Ames Laboratory
  3. Argonne National Laboratory (East)
  4. Brookhaven National Laboratory   ******* Postdoc position
  5. Environmental Measurements Laboratory  
  6. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory  
  7. Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
  8. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  
  9. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  
  10. Los Alamos National Laboratory   Postodoc position
  11. National Energy Technology Laboratory
  12. National Petroleum Technology Office
  13. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  14. New Brunswick Laboratory
  15. Oak Ridge National Laboratory******* Postdoc position
  16. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  
  17. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  18. Radiological & Environmental Sciences Laboratory
  19. Sandia National Laboratory
  20. Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
  21. Savannah River National Laboratory  
  22. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
  23. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
  1. Career Services - of the American Institute of Physics (AIP)
  2. Scholarship Experts  
  3. Fastweb: Find free money for college or an advanced degree!
  4. TIPTOP Jobs: Dynamic job list for physicists, and announce job openings here,
    completely free of charge!
  5. physicsweb : Physic news and position
  6. Post-Docs : Post-Doc.com is the first niche recruiting channel and marketplace to bring together recent Ph.D.s, professors, research institutions and other employers to find a good match.
  7. Sciencejob 
  8. Naturejob
  9. College and University Jobs  
  10. Higher Education Jobs in Tedjob
  11. Material and engneering Jobs
  12. Materials Science and Engineering Jobs Post Graduate
  13. Many Postdoc positions available here
  14. Find a New Job
  15. http://www.findapostdoc.com/firstmain.asp
  16. Jobs and Adverts - international Job Market
    Career Network - by The Chronicle of Higher Education
    Job Opportunities in Science & Technology - an on-line database for job and study opportunities in scientific research and technology, maintained by Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia

    Telejob - the electronic job exchange board of the association of assistants and doctoral students of the technological institutes of Zurich (AVETH) and Lausanne (ACIDE)

    SCIENCE-JOBS-DE - a mailing list for Scientist (job seekers and employers), maintained by the University of Heidelberg (German only)

    DIE ZEIT Stellenmarkt - search for jobs with a Harvest-based Search Engine (ZEIT-Robot), by DIE ZEIT, a German Newspaper (German only)

    Wissenschaft-Online - jobs and praktika (German only).

    Industrie-Job.de - job market for technical specialists and executives offered by DV-Job AG (German only)

    Akademischer Stellenmarkt - by Forschung & Lehre (German only)

    JOBworld - Meta Search Engine for the German Labor Market

    各类博后位置综合 http://www.sdsc.edu/ACA/Jobs/pd.html

